Freitag, 17. April 2009

Heute sprach ich mit Jesus und Superman

Es ist doch Klasse so historische Figuren in Freundschaft vereint zu sehen. Die grossen Wohltaeter der Menschheit.
Superman was very interested in my wellbeeing. And I had the most important question to Jesus. "How comes, that you are so well so short after Easter" He looked at his hands and said" It must be  a miracle"

Here I was really worried, Have I forgotten my make up? I will be now for years ugly on some tapes or DVDs stored at the metro of LA
After I was travelling with great Airlines and great meals I found United Airlines. For 9 Dollar ou can buy a box. I choose yellow. A can with tuna, a glas with hummous,  some crackers, some shortbred, a  knife and a spoon. I always eat fish with a spoon.
The vine was good (3 Dollar) It was a Shiraz, I didn't tell them that this is an Iran city.

Isn't that a great idea for local busses?
Inzwischen bin ich Hollywood gelandet, The Hotel, and the seaview is of Hawaii.
I am really astonished how bad the situation here ist. Even in Hollywood at the Hollywood Boulevard so many homeless people. ok today I found some nice and clean places.

This is the view of a room with " partiell sea view". Do you find the big Pacific?
doubleclick the picture, then the ocean will be a little bit bigger.

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