Dienstag, 7. September 2010

How to use an Indian toilet

This is an Indian toilet
A place to stand on each side of the sink, a garwich bin a bucket with water inside a small bucket, a sort of small shower no toilet paper
My explanation:
First try to get up the legs of your trousers and fix it
Than roll your long shawl 7 times round your neck-otherwise it will hang in the sink.
Stand carefully on the places for the feet, very wet and very slippery. Sit down and do what has to be done.
Then you have two ways of cleaning-
take the little shower and try not to get too wet or take the small bucket and wash yourself with the left hand with the right hand hold the bucket with the next hand fix your clothes
Done - congratulations

This is the explanation of the same procedure in the toilet of the german bakery in Kovalam /Kerala
It should become big with a double click
Greetings to you all
Birgit from Kerala

Ayurveda in Kerala / Don't be jealous!

Hier ein bisschen Informationen ueber Ayurveda
1. Ayurveda ist in Indien entstanden
2. Ayurveda ist ein Teil des hinduistischen Denksystems
3. Ayurveda ist das medizinische System des Hinduismus ( nach dem Prinzip :"mens sana in corpore sano"
4. Neben den vielfaeltigen medizinischen Anwendungen wird deshalb auch viel Wert auf Meditation, Yoga und Pranayamas (Atemuebungen gelegt)
ich soll vor allem meditieren und Pranayamas machen- mach ich.
Hier macht Sumi parallel zu Aneesha eine Kraeuterstempelmassage. Viel heisses Oel, Kraeuter und Knoblauch. Danach roch ich wie das perfekt vorbereitete Spanferkel

Grundlage der Panchakarmakur ist die Reinigung
Nasenreinigung, Augenreinigung(Tropfen), heisses Ghee trinken, Vhasti (Einlaeufe),Purgation (Abfuehroel) oder Zeug um sich zu erbrechen. Ich hatte Glueck bei mir musste diesmal nicht so viel gereinigt werden. Dafuer hab ich mir meine Lieblingsreinigung 2 mal erbettelt

This is the ear-cleansing.
A shell of a coconut ist burned an when the fire is nearly out it is used as charcoal. Aneesha gave some francincenct(Weihrauch) on the heat and throug this pipe it came in my ears. I hear so much better since this treatment.

Shirodaya is my favourite treatment, slowly hot oil, herbal water, buttermilk or milk is running over my forhead. Slowly the pot is swinging from one side to the other - about 30 minutes. After that I am so relaxed that I move like a cat on the way to the favourit place for a nap.
The treatment begins always with a prayer for healing, burning of an incent-stick. Then I get a oil headmassage and some herbal powder on my 7. chakra that I don't get cool.
After that a long proceture of  oil massage - the whole body, then all over the body oil or buttermilk or milk and finally or at the beginning 30 minutes massage with herbal powder- feels like fine sand. This all needs about 2 1/2 hours.
Then I have to drink an tender coconut and 1 liter of herbal tea special made for me. Two times a day 2 bitter herbal drinks and 6 pills vor my doshas.
By the way Iam Vatha- Kapha
now you know all about my "holidaystress"

This is a treatment for all people who wants to recover and enjoy
Birgit with love

Donnerstag, 26. August 2010

Happy Onam

I  wish you all a very happy Onam
Hundreds of years ago in Kerala reigns a King named MAHABILI. He was such a good King and adored so much by his people, that the gods became jealous. They decided that he must die. But he was such a true and good person that they allowed him once a year to come back for 10 days. The Onam-festival. Al Keralis from over the world come back home, make flower pictures, enjoy the indian music, have party day and night an eat wonderful tasty food.
This festival elephant is ten years old an especially trained to take part on festival, and stand the horrible loud drums and music just in front of him. I think he is deaf

The new kerala woman Birgit is also working to make a flower mandala as all the woman did in this days
As I promised to a lovely englishman I went with the rupture of my sinew in a wheelchair. Good Choice. First bording , first through the customs for all of the group. Here you can see Hanka, me and Inge shopping at the Dubai airport. It was really a funny experience to be in a wheelchair. Most of the people were very polite, but many don't look so deep, they nearly sat on my lap before they realised that I was there.
Namaste from India, the monsun and rather chilly days with onls 25 degrees. But hot ayurveda treatments make the time great.
Namaste Birgit

Samstag, 3. Juli 2010

Why not on the stage?

da geriet ich doch ploetzlich in eine professionelle Theaterproduktion an unserem Stadttheater.
Ich war Mitglied im Chor der gesellschaftlichen Verhaeltnisse.
Das Theaterstueck,
Der Lechner Edi schaut ins Paradies  stammt von Jura Soyfer.
Es ist ein brandaktuelles Stueck aus den 30 iger Jahren. Soyfer starb mit 26 im KZ und hatte da schon 1000 Seiten Theaterstuecke geschrieben. Seine Texte sind wunderschoen.
Wie ihr seht, hatte ich das geniale Kostuem mit der Kittelschuerze, stand dazu zum Ausgleich mit Alexander Hold auf der Buehne. Wir haben 2 Wochen lang gespielt.
Nun das hab ich jetzt auch mal gemacht, mal schauen was mir das naechste Mal ueber den Weg laeuft
Schaut mal unter Soyfer oder Theater in Kempten TIK

Sonntag, 25. April 2010

Spring in Bavaria -how great

This weekend there is a huge Jazzfestival in Kempten. As we walked around we met a lot of people and got lost in a traditional beergarden. It was a great fun.
I hope you all have such a lovely spring as I have.
Sorry for not writing any more the last time. But my blog didn't work
From Birgit with love