Samstag, 25. April 2009

Yo soy una estudiente espanoles???

I did not pay 1 Dollar for taking a foto of a donkey standing around an old fort
Old fort of the spanish conquistadores

Na ja ich bin nicht so ganz sicher ob da nicht Grammatikfehler in diesen 5 Woertern der Ueberschrift sind???
Also seit 8 Tagen wohne ich nun in der Casa Goethe in Sosua und lerne jeden Tag fleissig spanisch. Ich hab zwar noch nicht das Gefuehl was zu koennen aber vielleicht ist das nach 5 Schultagen auch zu viel verlangt.

Sosua ist ein kleiner Kuestenort im Norden der Republica Dominica in der Karibik. Wer hat, Natuerlich jede(r)
Get free -google earth- on your pc, there are some nice pictures from Sosua.
Sosua developed to a little town(very little) in the 2. world war as german jewish people found here a place to live.
The languageschool has each week some nice excursions. Thursday we visited Puerto Plata
 One of the most important places of  the DR is here.The Rumfactory. And the rum is really very good. 

I have to do a lot here.
4 hours spanish lessons
and  very important
hang loose in the tender waves of the carribean
The water is so nice. Go in 5 meters- and the waves are rocking softly hmmmm
then I have to go out for dinner
and learn for my next lessons.
and some days I drive with the bus to Cabarete for a private salsa lesson. Toni is a good teacher and after 1 hour I am complete exhausted
The biggest problem I have is: Stay here 6 weeks or go for 3 weeks to Cuba???
I would like to see Cuba, but I have 3 more flights and have to pack my suitcase 3 more times.
Buenos noches Birgit

Of course this nice place has some big dark spots.
 I hate it to see the old ugly man hanging around with very young girls, boys even children. Prostitution and abuse of children is a big problem.
20 % here have HIV
And alone from our small school 3 man were robbed out.
1. a creditcard
2. 8000 Pesos
3. a cellphone

I go to the beach only with my towel and the key is locked at my swimmsuit. Good to have so many different locks in the suitcase.
The teachers here told me that the schoolsystem is the worst in whole Latinamerica.
Therefore I will spend a nother part of the money to a primary school and buy notebooks and pencils, because many children and parents cannot afford to buy some. So the school has some for these children. Now the teacher pay for it, but they earn really not much money and have all three jobs to live here. Because of the tourists the prices are too high and 80% of the people live now in the cities and all the countryside becomes bush, because nobody wants to be a farmer.
Habens die Lehrer in Mitteleuropa gut!!!! Birgit die immer bescheidener wird

Dienstag, 21. April 2009


Seit ich Jesus begegnet bin halten die Begegungen an.
Ich war in der Genesis und wieder mal war Jesus vor Ort.
Die 4. Frage koennte lauten:" wer findet den Rechtschreibfehler?"
estudiente de espaniol
Buenos noches

Grosses Raetselspiel der Woche

Heute koennt ihr den 1 Preis in meinem grossen Raetselspiel gewinnen.

Hier die 3 Fragen:

1. Was bedeutet dieses Handzeichen und wie heisst es?

2.. Was verkauft dieser Mann?

2. Wie lautet die genaue englische Form des 2.  Wortes?

Antworten unter
Preistraeger und Preis gebe ich naechste Woche bekannt
Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen

Freitag, 17. April 2009

Heute sprach ich mit Jesus und Superman

Es ist doch Klasse so historische Figuren in Freundschaft vereint zu sehen. Die grossen Wohltaeter der Menschheit.
Superman was very interested in my wellbeeing. And I had the most important question to Jesus. "How comes, that you are so well so short after Easter" He looked at his hands and said" It must be  a miracle"

Here I was really worried, Have I forgotten my make up? I will be now for years ugly on some tapes or DVDs stored at the metro of LA
After I was travelling with great Airlines and great meals I found United Airlines. For 9 Dollar ou can buy a box. I choose yellow. A can with tuna, a glas with hummous,  some crackers, some shortbred, a  knife and a spoon. I always eat fish with a spoon.
The vine was good (3 Dollar) It was a Shiraz, I didn't tell them that this is an Iran city.

Isn't that a great idea for local busses?
Inzwischen bin ich Hollywood gelandet, The Hotel, and the seaview is of Hawaii.
I am really astonished how bad the situation here ist. Even in Hollywood at the Hollywood Boulevard so many homeless people. ok today I found some nice and clean places.

This is the view of a room with " partiell sea view". Do you find the big Pacific?
doubleclick the picture, then the ocean will be a little bit bigger.

Dienstag, 14. April 2009

einfach nur Bilder

Napali Coast in Kauai, nur mit Schiff Hubschrauber oder Trecking erreichbar. Eine der 10 schoensten Plaetze der Welt
Gruene Hawaiian Meeresschildkroete, bis zu 1m gross grasen im Wasser wie allgaeuer Kuehe. Sehr relaxing to swim with, or better near them
Mein Favourite the green Gecko, Mit Doppelklick seht Ihr ihn gros
Dieses Motiv ist deshalb witzig, weil alle die ich getroffen hab, die in dem bot. Garten bei Hilo waren genau dieselbe Aufnahme haben. Die Bluete ist nahe dem Eingang auf Augenhoehe und man laeuft buchstaeblich in sie hinein
Sorry ist doppelt, Wie krieg ich das Bild wieder raus? Du weisst das sicher.
Ich hab Euch noch mal ein paar Bilder ausgesucht, die mir besonders gut gefallen

Denn dann ists Schluss mit Hawaii. Morgen flieg ich nach LA und 2 Tage spaeter in die Dom Rep.

Montag, 13. April 2009

Cruise, Nobelhotel im Pacific

 As the Captain decided to take a little holiday I went to the bridge and brought the vessel secure into the next harbour. They didn't honour it. I exspected that they will hire me as the new captain. But nothing happened. Its always the same in this world of the men. They don't believe in women.
This picure is not mine. It shows the steam, when the the Lava of Kileauea flows into the ocean
and a friend of Kathy made this great photo

                         Pride of America in front of the Kona Harbour

Pride of America  a huge swimming  hotel ( google it  under NCL or Pride of America)
I should not forget to remember the vessel ist built in Germany with all the german ecological standarts. 
It is  280 m long, 36 m board, 53m high.
Has beds for 2146 guests and about  1300 people working on the ship.

Questions that has been asked last week to the  guest Director:

Does the staff sleep on board?
Does the ship produce own electricity?
and my favourite question
Does all the island have water all around?
Do you know the answers? Great your IQ is higher than 60, Congretulation!

The last 7 days I sailed with the Cruise "Pride of America" round the Hawaiian Islands, we visited, Maui(2 days) Hilo (1day) Kona (1day), both on Big Island Hawaii and stayed two days in Nawiliwili in Kauai then we sailed along the famous Napali coast where we saw at the same time jumping humpbackwhales, rainbows and one of the most beautiful coastlines on our earth.

Cruising is a hard job. You sail during the night( I enjoyed the rocking of the ship) an during the day you must visit all the interesting places on the islands. But during the day and half the night are great programs on the ship. So I learned to make all the different sorts of Lei ( Hawaiianischer Halsschmuck), Got a certificate for Hula, missed a auction where one of the guests won a Picasso......, Each afternoon was lifemusic, each evening where shows in the great theatre(1000 seats) or in the Mardi Gras Bar 406 seats ( Hawaiian shows, a Improtheater, Musicshows,a magician( halt ein Zauberer)) And not to forget Birgit dancing Hula in the Hollywood Theatre on the big stage. Have a movie for people who want to laugh.
Between all this you have to eat in 13 restaurants and drink in ca 6 Bars
I am complete exhausted, and slept 1 day in my Waikiki hotel

I had a nice experience in Maui. Everyone told us that the street to Hana ist the best sight of the Island. 35 Miles about 55 km narrow street sometimes only one line.Right side high Rocks left side 40 meter down to the ocean, 100 oneline bridges and about 200 curves(Haarnadelkurven) after that you reach a small beach with black sand and it is raining cats and dogs. Now you have to drive back and all you wish that it is only a dream.
I picked up 4 hitchhiker after some hawaiian guys tried to kill us and themselves- by overtaking while 3 cars where coming we went together to the best beach I have been. Little beach is an nudist beach and each sunday the people meet there for party and music. Laying in soft waves listening to drums.......

Here a photo with Kathy . In the Pinks Champagne Bar we celebrated the evenings with great Pianomusic and a little bit of alkohol.
Have to rest a very tired Birgit.

Montag, 6. April 2009


Hallo ihr Lieben,
Heute nur ganz kurz weil ich grad gar kein gratis Internet habe und viel zahlen muss.
Ich mutierte gerade von einer einfachen Hostelbewohnerin zu einer Cruiselady

Die Bedienung in meinem Lieblingsrestaurant (1 von 13) auf der Cruise "Pride of America" erkannte dies sofort und nennt mich nur noch "Lady Bridget"
Ich brezel mich auf und schwebe durch endlose Gaenge. Lerne 2x am Tag Hula und mach alle Programme mit die von sog "Botschaftern= Hawaiianer die versuchen ignoranten Touris etwas ueber ihr Land beizubringen.
Von ueber 2000 an Bord kommen ungefaehr immer 5.
Ich find es Klasse.
Uebrigens Susanne. Kalanis Cousin ist Offizier hier an Bord und ein Freund meiner Freundin Kathy.........
Neue Nachrichten in 8 Tagen mit vielen Bildern..
Aloha und Schiff Ahoi Birgit ganz schrecklich vornehm.
Und ich find Amis immer noch schrecklich. Deshalb schreib ich deutsch, damits keiner von ihnen liest, denn die die die Adresse haben sind entzueckend

Mittwoch, 1. April 2009

And learning again

                                      For workshops the kitchen is always a great place

                                                      Monique, I and Annie in Kona
5 days I was high up on Mount Kea. On Top of the Mountain is a lot of snow and we had a lot of rain. In the night the temperatur fell below 10 degrees Celsius.
Dave runs there an beautiful calm and peaceful retreat. In the first night I couldn't sleep because my brain worked so loud that I thought all the people can hear me thinking. Above me millions of stars. Dave tries to replant the original trees of the mountain the koa a sort of akazia. So we all planted a circle of trees. And I have now the feeling to have with my tree some roots on this mountain

                                         My Koa tree
The next day arrived the other members of the hawaiian Lomi Lomi workshop. After an Personality test we found that we all had nearly the same character. Such an homogen group seams to be unique. We worked and learned a lot.

And the most important message is:

Have sex, drink your favourite vine, eat chocolate and enjoy each moment

Habt viel Sex, trinkt Wein, esst Schokolade und geniesst jeden Moment

Ich komme am 10. Juni zurueck und freue mich darauf viel Wein mit Euch zu trinken und viele Fest mit Euch zu feiern.
Ende Juni gibts eine back at home Party in meinem kleinen Haeuschen. Ihr seid alle herzlich eingeladen. Wahrscheinlich am Freitag den 23. Juni.
Birgit, die jeden Tag geniesst aber langsam pleite ist und auch nicht mehr so viel Spass am Koffer packen hat

Big Island Hawaii

            This green Geckos live in the garden of the guesthouse, right in front of my window

            Gaby in the tropical garden. Now she has beautiful short rastacurls, so pretty.

Seit 10 Tagen treibe ich mich hier auf Big Island herum.
I should write english, because more and more english speaking people read my blog.
greetings here to Leigh and Bruce.

                           This arch is south of vulcano built by the flowing lava

As I arrived in my favourite Guesthouse at Annies place the Pineapple Park ( without any pineapples) I found a group of lovely people. Monique from Canada at once asked me to come with them the next day to the beach to swim with dolphins. The first day I had again a cramp in my left foot and was saved from two guys with a canoe. The 2. day the dolphins came to me and brought a leafe. They have learned to play with the people with leafes. But I did not know about this game. The dolphins watched me some minutes and I didn't throw back the leafe (?) so they swam to another group to find someone to play. Tomorrow I will be better prepared. On my way to this beach is a huge mangotree. I collect each day ripe mangos.

                          Waterfall near Hilo, on the rainside of the island

This is the Island of black beaches, waterfalls, flowers and vulcanos.
I didn't expect that the vulvanos are so huge.

Gaby an I went on Sunday first to nice tropical botanical garden and then to vulcano.
I enjoy to stay here with so friendly people, cooking together in the evening, drinking vine and talking and of cause changing the world to a much better one.
Birgit nur noch 2 Tage hier.