Sonntag, 21. Juni 2009


                                                             My little house in Kempten
          Na, the sunset in Bavaria is as beautiful as the sunsets an all the other countries

1. I decided to continue writing my blog. 
I will be in Austria in 4 weeks with my weaving ladies and we will visit a big market for linnen weavers.
2. My back at home party will be a little later around the 10. July

Also der Bog wird weitergehen, denn das Schreiben macht mir wirklich Spass
und ich kann dann gleich von meiner naechsten Reise nach Oesterreich Haslach zum Leinenwebermarkt berichten.

Meine Wieder da Party ist wahrscheinlich am 11.7. Muss aber erst noch genau planen
Birgit mit kalten Fuessen( with freezing cold feet)

Meine Unterwasserfotos

Ich hab meine ersten Unterwasserfotos aus der Dom Rep endlich bekommen.
all die gefaehrlichen Seeungeheuer.
Das erste Foto ist mein liebstes. Die  Rochen verbuddeln sich so im Sand, dass man nur noch Augen und Mund sieht. Wenn er wegschwimmt rieselt eine Sandfahne von ihm herunter, schaut ein bisschen wie ein Brautschleier aus.

My last underwater fotos from Punta Cana. Did you recognise the ray?
Birgit in a terrible cold Germany

Sonntag, 14. Juni 2009

dahoam- back at home

First I took my bicycle and drove through the city to see what had changed. The coffee shop at the cityhall(here on the picture) has new servants, my favourite fitness club has been closed. And I hardly could believe how calm and clean everything is. No more Merengue and Bachata day and night. Where is my CD I need a little more noise? And what else?
I found back my favourite place in my little house, and as  you can see I am very busy.

Seit Mittwoch bin ich wieder in Bayern. Typisch fliegt um die halbe Welt, aber in Muenchen bin ich prompt in die falsche S-Bahn gehuepft. Also nochmal 1 Stunde laenger unterwegs. Kayo der Liebe hat mir in Unterfoehring meinen indischen Saree uebergeben.
Jetzt wurschtl ich mich gemuetlich durch die ganze Post, Kontoauszuege, und versuch meine Kleider in den gepackten Kartons zu finden.
I arrived Wednesday on the airport Munich and at once jumped into a train with a wrong destination.I had to drive back and lost one hour. Now back at home everything is so normal that I ask sometimes. Have I really been travelling 10 month???Was it only a wonderful dream?? But I have enough souvenirs that tell me:      " I DID IT".

sehr gluecklich und dankbar dass mich so viele Menschen unterstuetzt haben, und dass ich so viele Menschen naeher kennenlernen durfte.
 very happy with thanks and greetings to all this wonderful people I met and that who stayed at home organized everything for me and kept the contact all the time.
Ursel, Lisa, Connie, Susanne,Simone,Inge, Reni, Anna, Traudl, Sabine, Moni und Burkhardt, Lutz, Hilde, Ilse Lilo, Hasan, Sufi, Christiane,Kayo, die Familie Jayaraj, Anne, Bob, Simon, Maren, Mick, (Pete from the naturist camp) James, Jerry, Nalani, Kalani, Julie, Kathy, Ricardo, Bruce and Leigh. ....................................and so many more helped me to make this unique experience become true.  Thank you

Montag, 8. Juni 2009

Da wo die Demokratie erfunden wurde?

Ich dachte immer Demokratie wurde in Griechenland erfunden so ca 600 vor Christus,
aber das war wohl doch nicht so sondern hier in Philadelphia, erzaehlen die Fremdenfuehrer.
Hier hab ich heute auch das erste Krankenhaus in der ganzen amerikanischen Welt gesehen, so ca von 1700. Vor 2 Tagen habe ich in Santo Domingo das erste Krankenhaus in ganz Amerika gesehen von ca 1550.
Sorry, I forgot the english. I always thought, that democracy  was evented in Greece about 600 before Christ.But it seems not really  true, it was here in Philadelphia, so say the tourist guides here.
Here I saw the first hospital in whole America today, built about 1700. Funny, two days ago I saw the firsthospital in whole  America  in Santo Domingo built in 1530.

Here the famous Abraham Lincoln with the pen in the right hand--pardon, he was left handed.
Then we passed the Museum of Arts- what a pity, closed on Mondays. What do you think why it is here so famous?? Art? Sculptures? No of course not. On this stairs-you must remember- trained Sylvester Stallone in his Rocky movies. And I heared that he brought in Rocky 4 the democracy to Russia. I think I have to change all my view about history

1822 wurde hier das Penitentiary gebaut ein Gefaengins fuer 900 Gefangene, die alle in Einzelhaft mit Schweigepflicht waren. Dieses Gefaengnis war das Vorbild fuer 300 Gefaengnisse in der Welt, bis es 1971 wegen zu alter Bausubstanz geschlossen wurde.
Nach diesem Besuch musste ich erst mal shoppen gehen.
1822 this prison "Penitentiary" was built for 900 people, long years mixed, man and woman. It was closed 1971. It was the model for 300 jails in the world

After visiting this horrible place I had to go shopping, and wanted to find some nice summer shirts. Look at this stuff( big with dobble click). Who remembers? Everybody over 50. 
The patterns of the fabric are exact the same what my grandmother used as aprons. I will wait till next year when all the fasion changes, perhaps again to Rock and Roll Style with petticoats
I bought some nice children books
Birgit soon at home in her own waterbed

Samstag, 6. Juni 2009

Domenican Republic nothing for Feminists

This beautiful, I think, Taina Indio woman is writing the name of Cristobal Colum (Christoph Columbus) on his memorial. It is in front of the first cathedral in the new world. 
What does this mean???
 Indio women could write, better than the woman now in the DOM Rep- because of the school system???
 Cristobal loved Indio woman and hoped all woman would walk naked?
Woman were lying down in front of the Spanish?
The catholic church could only be installed because of the naked women?
Round the corner on the other side of the Cathredral a small monument with the text of the enzyclica where the pope spoke against the pill, abortion...., (You all know it)
Here the whole monument with the entrance of the cathedral. I was happy to see that Cristobals head is now nothing more than the toilet for the pigeons.

When you know me a little bit you will  realize that I am really angry.
I payed a guide today for a sightseeing tour in this interesting Zona Colonial. It is the old part of the city where I could see the first buildings in the new world, like the palace of the son of Columbus the Vice gobernor of Hispaniola. This stupid man (guide)couldn't tell me much about the history but thought that I as a woman  want nothing as to go shopping. After the 3. jewelleryshop I became angry and he decided to do all his calls with the mobil. 
And I am so glad to leave this country tomorrow. Nobody will try to sell me ugly necklaces, horrible pictures or fake amber any more. 
Today this guide drove me to man who make sculptures. As material they cut down stalactites and stalacmites in the caves. This material need hundredthousends of years to grow and they destroy it for ugly stuff for tourists.
But I also met one nice guy here- read in my mext post
Birgit at home in 4 days juhu