Na ja ich bin nicht so ganz sicher ob da nicht Grammatikfehler in diesen 5 Woertern der Ueberschrift sind???
Also seit 8 Tagen wohne ich nun in der Casa Goethe in Sosua und lerne jeden Tag fleissig spanisch. Ich hab zwar noch nicht das Gefuehl was zu koennen aber vielleicht ist das nach 5 Schultagen auch zu viel verlangt.
Sosua ist ein kleiner Kuestenort im Norden der Republica Dominica in der Karibik. Wer hat, Natuerlich jede(r)
Get free -google earth- on your pc, there are some nice pictures from Sosua.
Sosua developed to a little town(very little) in the 2. world war as german jewish people found here a place to live.
The languageschool has each week some nice excursions. Thursday we visited Puerto Plata
One of the most important places of the DR is here.The Rumfactory. And the rum is really very good.
I have to do a lot here.
4 hours spanish lessons
and very important
hang loose in the tender waves of the carribean
The water is so nice. Go in 5 meters- and the waves are rocking softly hmmmm
then I have to go out for dinner
and learn for my next lessons.
and some days I drive with the bus to Cabarete for a private salsa lesson. Toni is a good teacher and after 1 hour I am complete exhausted
The biggest problem I have is: Stay here 6 weeks or go for 3 weeks to Cuba???
I would like to see Cuba, but I have 3 more flights and have to pack my suitcase 3 more times.
Buenos noches Birgit
Of course this nice place has some big dark spots.
I hate it to see the old ugly man hanging around with very young girls, boys even children. Prostitution and abuse of children is a big problem.
20 % here have HIV
And alone from our small school 3 man were robbed out.
1. a creditcard
2. 8000 Pesos
3. a cellphone
I go to the beach only with my towel and the key is locked at my swimmsuit. Good to have so many different locks in the suitcase.
The teachers here told me that the schoolsystem is the worst in whole Latinamerica.
Therefore I will spend a nother part of the money to a primary school and buy notebooks and pencils, because many children and parents cannot afford to buy some. So the school has some for these children. Now the teacher pay for it, but they earn really not much money and have all three jobs to live here. Because of the tourists the prices are too high and 80% of the people live now in the cities and all the countryside becomes bush, because nobody wants to be a farmer.
Habens die Lehrer in Mitteleuropa gut!!!! Birgit die immer bescheidener wird