Sonntag, 18. Januar 2009

still here because it is too beautiful

before I got lost

Here on the South Island are  a lot of mountains and as it is an Island a lot of water around and lots of beaches. Sometimes you are lucky and there is a street to the beach but most of the time there are tracks......and I walk hours and hours. Most of the time I am exhausted.I had some adventures.  I had a cramp in my left leg in the deep cold water in the ocean near Picton. But a friendly hero saved me and brought me safe to the shore. Yesterday I got lost between two beaches in farewell spit in high gorse aeusserst kratzige Angelegenheit. But I was saved again by a friendly guy. On a beach between some rocks I found 9 very dangerous seals, but I was lucky and they were friendly.

robben schlafend
 About the horrible sandflies I wrote in my last post. But now the New Zealand Gouverment hopes that I will not need a hero every day. The problem is:
1. There are not so many heroes left in the world
2. The heroes think 2 savings are enough and they are much more interested in young blond girls than in old spinsters.
So I stay in the swimmingpool or the hot tub.
Eure Birgit after a long and hot walk
Where? on the very famous Abel Tasman treck. I WAS THERE!!!!

after 48 minutes walking

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